What is NiNA?
NiNA (Now I need Assistance) is a simple to use system that will provide ALL rail customers, but especially those with a disability, the ability to get discrete and timely assistance, in their current location, from available rail staff and accredited helpers.
NiNA is not just another smartphone App, its a communication system.
By using GPS, a smartphone and cloud-based services, travellers will be able to simply press a button on their phone to speak to staff, discuss their problem or report issues of concern.
All transactions will take place in a discrete 30 metre radius of the user, no telephone numbers are visible or exchanged and services in the cloud will be used to route users to the most appropriate helper based on number of factors. These factors could be the user’s disability or special need, mobility, language or comprehension skills etc. Cloud based enhancements will also be available to assist the user and helper communicate more effectively by providing services such as simultaneous translation.
So whats next?
We are working with some interesting partners including Birmingham University, but are always on the look out for people who would like to get involved with the project either as a trial user, a developer, a business partner or investor.
If NiNA sounds interesting please get in touch.